import { type PointLike, Texture, Ticker } from 'pixi.js'import { For } from 'solid-js'import { Application, Assets, Container, Sprite, useApplication} from '../../../../solid-pixi/src/index' function BunniesContainer() { const app = useApplication() const texture = Texture.from('') return ( <Container x={app!.screen.width / 2} y={app!.screen.height / 2} ref={container => { container.pivot = { x: 100, y: 100 } const handler = (delta: Ticker) => { // rotate the container! // use delta to create frame-independent transform container.rotation -= 0.001 * delta.deltaMS } app!.ticker.add(handler) return () => { app!.ticker.remove(handler) } }} > <For each={Array.from({ length: 25 })} fallback={<></>}> {(_, i) => ( <Sprite texture={texture} anchor={{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 } as PointLike} x={(i() % 5) * 40} y={Math.floor(i() / 5) * 40} /> )} </For> </Container> )} export function ContainerExample() { return ( <Application background="#1099bb" resizeTo={window}> <Assets load={[['']]}> <BunniesContainer /> </Assets> </Application> )}