import { type PointLike, Texture } from 'pixi.js'import { Application, Assets, Sprite, useApplication } from '../../../../solid-pixi/src/index' function DraggingContainer() { const app = useApplication() const texture = Texture.from('') let dragTarget = null function onDragMove(event) { if (dragTarget) { dragTarget.parent.toLocal(, null, dragTarget.position) } } function onDragEnd() { if (dragTarget) {'pointermove', onDragMove) dragTarget.alpha = 1 dragTarget = null } } app.stage.interactive = true app.stage.hitArea = app.screen app.stage.on('pointerup', onDragEnd) app.stage.on('pointerupoutside', onDragEnd) return ( <Sprite texture={texture} x={Math.random() * app.screen.width} y={Math.random() * app.screen.height} interactive cursor="pointer" scale={{ x: 3, y: 3 }} pointerdown={e => { // store a reference to the data // the reason for this is because of multitouch // we want to track the movement of this particular touch // =; = 0.5 dragTarget = app.stage.on('pointermove', onDragMove) }} anchor={{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 } as PointLike} /> )} export function Dragging() { return ( <Application background="#1099bb" resizeTo={window}> <Assets load={[['']]}> <DraggingContainer /> </Assets> </Application> )}