import { type PointLike, TextStyle } from 'pixi.js'import { createSignal, onCleanup } from 'solid-js'import { Application, Container, Text } from '../../../../solid-pixi/src/index' function TextContainer() { const [skew, setSkew] = createSignal(Math.random()) const i = setInterval(() => { setSkew(Math.random()) }, 1000) onCleanup(() => { clearInterval(i) }) return ( <Container> <Text x={50} y={100}> Basic text in pixi </Text> <Text x={50} y={220} style={ new TextStyle({ fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 36, fontStyle: 'italic', fontWeight: 'bold', fill: 'red', stroke: { color: '#4a1850', width: 5 }, dropShadow: { alpha: 1, color: '#000000', blur: 4, angle: Math.PI / 6, distance: 6 }, wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: 440 }) } > Rich text with a lot of options and across multiple lines </Text> <Text x={300} y={480} anchor={{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 } as PointLike} ref={r => { const sk = skew() r.skew.x = sk r.skew.y = -sk }} style={ new TextStyle({ fontFamily: 'Arial', dropShadow: { alpha: 0.8, angle: 2.1, blur: 4, color: '0x111111', distance: 10 }, fill: '#ffffff', stroke: { color: '#004620', width: 10 }, fontSize: 60, fontWeight: 'lighter' }) } > SKEW IS COOL </Text> </Container> )} export function TextExample() { return ( <Application background="#1099bb" resizeTo={window}> <TextContainer /> </Application> )}